Jack's English Cafe



#25「1日1語」The Afghanistan Withdrawal(アフガニスタンからの撤退)

Today, just one day after the last military flight departed from Kabul, President Joe Biden defended his decision to pull U.S. forces from Afghanistan and praised the evacuation mission as a success. It’s too early to know what history wil…

#22 「1日1語」<reckoning> (報い)

A reckoning for the tourism industry could come soon. In July, G7 leaders threw their weight behind a burgeoning movement in the finance world for mandatory climate risk disclosure , which would force companies and their financiers to tell…

#19 「1日1語」<a super-spreding evnt>(超感染拡散イベント)

New cases of COVID-19 emerging from any of the Olympic visitors could not only disrupt the Games but also forever tarnish this year’s Olympics as an exercise in folly amid a global pandemic that has claimed the lives of 4 million people. “…

#18 「1日1語」<booster shot>(追加接種)

So, Do We Need Booster Shots Now? As you've probably seen by now, Pfizer—like Moderna before it—yesterday released "encouraging" data about the efficacy of booster shots. The company says administering a third dose of its vaccine six month…

#14 「1日1語」<whataboutism>(お前だって論法)

Fielding questions from Russian and U.S. media, Putin deployed one of Moscow’s most reliable and vexing tactics from the Twentieth Century in blunting criticism from Washington: Whataboutism. ("Moscow's Long History of Turning the Table on…

#11 「1日1語」<the Delta variant>(デルタ株)

The COVID-19 pandemic is increasingly becoming an arms race among the emerging variants of the virus, and at the moment, there’s no question which one is winning: the Delta variant—formally known as B.1.617.2—one of four strains to have em…

#9 「1日1語」<come fall>(秋になれば)

This week, tragedy struck close to home. A student at the high school my older daughter will attend come fall was fatally shot near the soccer field where he excelled, as the New York Times headline eloquently put it. To say that it has sh…

#8 新型コロナワクチン

TIME誌の記事(2021年1月18日付け)翻訳 コロナワクチンの接種がやっと始まりましたが、今までのワクチンとどう違うのか、ファイザー・ビオンテック社製、モデルナ社製、アストラゼネカ社製、その他はどう違うのか、などこの記事はワクチンの基本的なことを…

#7 Third Quarter Syndrome  ”第三四半期症候群”

"We're in the Third Quarter of the Pandemic. Antarctic Researchers, Mars Simulation Scientists and Navy Submarine Officers Have Advice For How to Get Through It" (TIME February 26, 2021) (パンデミックの第三四半期を乗り越える方法) We're i…

#6 treat おごる(奢る)

She was one of 13 high-ranking ministry officials involved in the authorization of licenses for satellite companies who were treated to expensive dinners by executives at Tohokushinsha. ("the japan times" March 1, 2021) (彼女は東北新社幹…

#5 Foot the Bill  費用を負担する

"Working From Home Is Driving Up Our Energy Costs. Should Employers Foot the Bill?" (TIME February 26, 2021) (在宅勤務で光熱費が増加、企業は費用負担すべきか?) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------…


こんにちは。Uncle Jackです。今日からブログを始めます。よろしくお願いします。 どうせなら大晦日ではなく、元日から始めればキリが良いのにと思われるかもしれません。でも今年の内に書いておきたいことがあるので今日にしました。 今年は新型コロナの年…