Jack's English Cafe


#26 「1日1語」<Resignation>(辞任)

Yoshihide Suga is bowing out as prime minister of Japan, amid increasing anger over his government’s handling of COVID-19 in the wake of the Tokyo Olympics. He announced Friday that he will not seek re-election as leader of the Liberal Democrat Party (LDP) at the end of September.

Suga, 72, became prime minister just one year ago after long-serving Prime Minister Shinzo Abe stepped down over health concerns. He said during a party meeting Friday on that he wanted to focus on the coronavirus pandemic instead of continuing on as the head of the LDP.

With a general election upcoming in the fall, Suga’s resignation paves the way for a new leader of the world’s third-largest economy. (TIME, September 3, 2021)







この記事の冒頭に"Yoshihide Suga is bowing out as prime minister of Japan,"とあるが、"blow out"は「消える」という意味。「首相として消えていく」。"resigning"を言い換えたものだが「火が消えるように消えていく」というのはよりリアルだ。「辞任する」は"step down"とも言い、記事の中ほどに"Shinzo Abe stepped down over health concerns."と使われている。こちらは「追い込まれて」ではなく「自ら考えるところがあって(自発的に)辞める」というニュアンスが強い。




#25「1日1語」The Afghanistan Withdrawal(アフガニスタンからの撤退)

Today, just one day after the last military flight departed from Kabul, President Joe Biden defended his decision to pull U.S. forces from Afghanistan and praised the evacuation mission as a success.

It’s too early to know what history will make of the president’s calls over the past few weeks; writers at this publication have doled out both criticism and praise. And we still don’t know what the retreat means for U.S. foreign policy going forward. For now, this long, fraught chapter is simply over. (The Atlantic Daily, August 31, 2021)





20年にわたる米軍、連合軍のアフガン駐留は一体何だったのか、という批判が渦巻いている。歴史的な評価が下されるまでには時間がかかるが、当面アフガニスタンに取り残されたアメリカや連合国の人々はどうなるのだろうか。数百人いると思われる邦人をわが政府はどのように退避させることができるのか。米軍の撤退(withdrawal, retreat)は長い目でみて避けられなかったとしても民間人の退避(evacuation)作戦が成功したとはとても言えない。アメリカ人さえ退避できれば良いなどと考えたのなら、アメリカは多くの友人を失うだろう。



# 24 <今日の一言>「失なったものを数えるな」









#23 「1日1語」 <endemic>(地域的な流行病)

COVID-19 is not going away. The virus that causes it is on track to become endemic, like the ones that cause the common cold. You’ll probably encounter it at some point, if you haven’t already.

The Atlantic Daily, August 25, 2021)






1)The virus itself could still get worse.


  ウイルスは常に変異 (mutate) していて絶えず新しい変異株 (variant)が生まれてい

  る。 現在のところ最強のデルタ株からsuper-infectious variantが生まれる可能性


2)The global inequalities could worsen as the virus transitions to endemicity.





3)But eventually, the coronavirus will become less worrisome part of life.







#22 「1日1語」<reckoning> (報い)

A reckoning for the tourism industry could come soon. In July, G7 leaders threw their weight behind a burgeoning movement in the finance world for mandatory climate risk disclosure , which would force companies and their financiers to tell investors how their business is exposed to climate change. The tourism industry is "not at all" prepared for the level of risk that process might expose, says Daniel Scott, a professor of Geography and Environmental Management at Canada's University of Waterloo, ....

(TIME, Climate Newsletter, August 18, 2021)












#21 「1日1語」<ridicule>(揶揄する)

(TOKYO) — The Tokyo Olympic organizing committee fired the director of the opening ceremony on Thursday because of a Holocaust joke he made during a comedy show in 1998.

Organizing committee president Seiko Hashimoto said a day ahead of the opening ceremony that director Kentaro Kobayashi has been dismissed. He was accused of using a joke about the Holocaust in his comedy act, including the phrase “Let’s play Holocaust.”

“We found out that Mr. Kobayashi, in his own performance, has used a phrase ridiculing a historical tragedy,” Hashimoto said. “We deeply apologize for causing such a development the day before the opening ceremony and for causing troubles and concerns to many involved parties as well as the people in Tokyo and the rest of the country.” (TIME JUly 22, 2021)


開会式の前日になって開閉会式の演出ディレクターが解任されるという前代未聞の出来事。理由はお笑いをやっていた頃にナチスユダヤ人大虐殺を「揶揄した」ことらしい。関係者は「揶揄する」という難しそうな言葉をつかってオブラートに包んだつもりかもしれないが、分かり易く言えば「冗談を言う (joke)」ことであり、「嘲笑する( ridicule, mock)」が近い言葉である。

竹田氏や森氏の辞任からシンボルマークや競技場のデザイン問題など数々のスキャンダルにまみれてきた"TOKYO 2020"だが、土壇場でまたまたミソをつけた。これも「復興五輪」「コロナを克服した証」という実態の伴わない理念と共に逆レガシーの一つとして長く語り草になるだろう。




#21 「1日1語」<ridicule>(揶揄する)

(TOKYO) — The Tokyo Olympic organizing committee fired the director of the opening ceremony on Thursday because of a Holocaust joke he made during a comedy show in 1998.

Organizing committee president Seiko Hashimoto said a day ahead of the opening ceremony that director Kentaro Kobayashi has been dismissed. He was accused of using a joke about the Holocaust in his comedy act, including the phrase “Let’s play Holocaust.”

“We found out that Mr. Kobayashi, in his own performance, has used a phrase ridiculing a historical tragedy,” Hashimoto said. “We deeply apologize for causing such a development the day before the opening ceremony and for causing troubles and concerns to many involved parties as well as the people in Tokyo and the rest of the country.”