Jack's English Cafe



#26 「1日1語」<Resignation>(辞任)

Yoshihide Suga is bowing out as prime minister of Japan, amid increasing anger over his government’s handling of COVID-19 in the wake of the Tokyo Olympics. He announced Friday that he will not seek re-election as leader of the Liberal Dem…

#25「1日1語」The Afghanistan Withdrawal(アフガニスタンからの撤退)

Today, just one day after the last military flight departed from Kabul, President Joe Biden defended his decision to pull U.S. forces from Afghanistan and praised the evacuation mission as a success. It’s too early to know what history wil…

# 24 <今日の一言>「失なったものを数えるな」

「失ったものを数えるな。残されたものを最大限に生かせ」(グットマン博士) ****** 「天声人語」(2021年8月24付け)から。 「日本パラリンピックの父」と呼ばれる医師の中村裕さんが指導を受けた英国人医師グットマン博士の理念だった由。その理念を体現…

#23 「1日1語」 <endemic>(地域的な流行病)

COVID-19 is not going away. The virus that causes it is on track to become endemic, like the ones that cause the common cold. You’ll probably encounter it at some point, if you haven’t already. (The Atlantic Daily, August 25, 2021) 「新…