Jack's English Cafe


#20 「1日1語」<long-hauler>(長期罹患者)

This is “long-haul” COVID-19. Even young, healthy people can become long-haulers (as many call themselves), left unable to work, lead a normal life or, some days, get out of bed. (TIME August 21, 2020)






Santin is one of a growing number of so-called long-haulers—people whose symptoms linger many weeks or months after their initial case of COVID-19. Researchers estimate between 10% and 30% of COVID-19 patients develop long-term symptoms, though these can vary widely in their severity and how or when they appear.


Sixteen months later, she is still suffering from debilitating symptoms. Formerly a competitive cyclist and rock climber, Santin now has a difficult time climbing the stairs to her apartment, constantly feels fatigued, often loses her balance due to numbness in her feet, has swollen joints, and experiences brain fog. “So much in my life is different now,” she says. “It’s really slow progress. It almost feels like learning how to work your body again.” (TIME July 20, 2021)









#19 「1日1語」<a super-spreding evnt>(超感染拡散イベント)

New cases of COVID-19 emerging from any of the Olympic visitors could not only disrupt the Games but also forever tarnish this year’s Olympics as an exercise in folly amid a global pandemic that has claimed the lives of 4 million people. “The worst thing that would happen is that the Olympics becomes a super-spreading event that goes around the world,” says Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, who has advised the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and Japanese health officials on COVID-19 countermeasures.

("Tokyo's Plan to Avoid Pandemic Disater During the Olympics" ; TIME  July 8, 2021)


"Super-spreading event"は大規模集会など感染が一気に拡大する行事のこと。(大勢の人に感染を拡大してしまう人のことを"superspreader"と言う。)去年の米大統領選でのトランプ陣営の選挙集会が思い出される。最近の例ではサッカーの欧州選手権がある。

4回目の「緊急事態宣言」下で行われる東京オリンピックが"Super-spreading event"になるのではないかと懸念されている。約7万人の選手が世界各国から集まり、選手村で暮らす。競技によっては選手同士の濃厚接触は避けられない。毎日の検査や厳しい接触制限などの措置が取られても、7万人がすべてお行儀よく過ごすとは思えない。東京や近隣、ひいては日本全土での感染数が増えることは目に見えている。それが「超怒級」となり、世界各地に広がることがないことを祈るばかりだ。(了)


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#18 「1日1語」<booster shot>(追加接種)

So, Do We Need Booster Shots Now?

As you've probably seen by now, Pfizer—like Moderna before ityesterday released "encouraging" data about the efficacy of booster shots. The company says administering a third dose of its vaccine six months after the second one could produce up to 10 times as many virus-fighting antibodies as a two-dose regimen alone. It plans to submit its booster shot for U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) emergency-use authorization in August.

But don't schedule your booster appointment yet.

Shortly after Pfizer released its statement, the FDA and U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a joint comment of their own. "Americans who have been fully vaccinated do not need a booster shot at this time," the statement reads. 

( ”The Coronavirus Brief” TIME  July 9, 2021)


ファイザーやモデルナのワクチンは2回接種が基本だが、最近ファイザーは2回目を打ってから6か月後に3回目の追加接種(booster shot)をすれば抗体の数が2回の時の最大10倍になるとのデータを公表した。しかしアメリカのFDA(食品医薬品局)とCDC(疾病管理予防センター)は、現時点では追加接種は必要ない、と述べている。







#17 「1日1語」<shot> (注射)

Relatively high vaccination rates in the U.S. do offer some comfort to health officials battling the new variant. However, while nearly 70% of adult Americans have had at least one shot, that number is much smaller in some parts of the country, making those areas at higher risk for outbreaks involving the Delta variant. And the imperfect protection even the best vaccines provide causes still more concern. (TIME July1, 2021)




「ワクチン接種」は"vaccination"で"inoculation"とも言う。動詞はそれぞれ"vaccinate" "inoculate"である。これを”shot"と言い換えることもできる。"shot"は「注射」であるが文脈上「予防接種」を意味することもある。イギリスでは"shot" ではなく、"jab"という言葉を使う。

"Half are given the vaccine and the other half a placebo jab. The researchers and participants are not told which group is which, until after the results, to avoid bias." (BBC News online May 10, 2021)



"...more than 300 million mRNA vaccine doses have been administered so far in the U.S." (TIME June 24, 2021) (了)

#16 「1日1語」<money man>(金庫番)

The pre-dawn surrender of Donald Trump’s longtime money man signaled a tightening grip on the former President’s businesses. Facing allegations that he dodged taxes on fringe benefits from the New York mogul, Allen Weisselberg planned to plead not guilty and said through his attorney that he would fight the charges. (TIME July 1, 2021)





「トランプ氏一族企業の『金庫番』起訴」というニュースが日本でも流れた。はて「金庫番」は何というのだろうと思っていたら"money man"であった。「金庫番」と言われるワイセルバーグ氏の正式な肩書は Trump OrganizationのChief Finacial Officer(最高財務責任者)である。トランプ氏の父親の代から48年間にわたって一族企業と関わっており、家族を除く最重要人物とされる(日経新聞、7月3日付け)。まさに「金庫番」である。2024年の大統領選念頭に活動を再開したトランプ氏とバイデン政権の戦いもすでに熱を帯び始めているようだ。(了)

#15 「1日1語」<Juneteenth>(ジューンティーンス)

ジューンティーンス」(英語Juneteenth)(「6月」(June)と「19日」(nineteenth)の混成語であり[1]、「自由の日」(Freedom Day[2]、「歓喜の日」(Jubilee Day[3]、「解放の日」(Liberation Day[4]としても知られる)は、アメリカ合衆国奴隷身分であった人々の解放を祝う、連邦政府祝日Juneteenth National Independence Day)である[5]テキサス州に端を発し、現在はアメリカ全土で6月19日に祝われる。特に、北部合衆国英語版軍のゴードン・グレンジャー将軍がテキサス州ガルヴェストンにおいて1865年6月19日に、それまでにテキサス州で奴隷身分とされてきた全ての人々は自由であるとする連邦政府からの命令を読み上げたことを記念するものである[6]。』Wikipediaの引用)


If you ask Black people born and raised on the island, Juneteenth marks the day Black soldiers in blue uniforms came with their guns to Galveston. That is the story they have told for generations, about the moment some of their ancestors knew freedom had finally arrived in Texas, the westernmost Confederate breakaway state.

That’s the truth as it’s widely understood by Black people in Galveston, even if the common story of that day often focuses on a single white man: General Gordon Granger, who led Union troops to the harbor there on June 17, 1865. Two days later, records in the National Archives tell us, he issued what’s known as General Order No. 3. 

("Juneteenth Isn't Just a Celebration of the End of Slavery. We Also Honor the Black Americans Who Helped Create Their Own Freedom" ; TIME June 16, 2021)


今日6月19日が奴隷解放を祝うアメリカの「ジューンティース」の日だが、日本ではなじみが薄い。リンカーン奴隷解放宣言は1862年に公布されたが、南北戦争終結後も南部諸州の抵抗は続き、奴隷解放には時間がかかった。1865年テキサス州ガルヴェストン島における「一般命令書」(General Order No.3)の発令をもってアメリカ全州で「合法な奴隷制」が終結したとされる。しかし、この日を連邦の祝日とするには時間がかかっているらしい。上記記事には次のように書かれている。

A Senate bill to make Juneteenth a federal holiday failed in 2020 by one vote. On Tuesday, a similar bill was passed by the Senate; it is likely to be passed by the House. 







#14 「1日1語」<whataboutism>(お前だって論法)

Fielding questions from Russian and U.S. media, Putin deployed one of Moscow’s most reliable and vexing tactics from the Twentieth Century in blunting criticism from Washington: Whataboutism.

("Moscow's Long History of Turning the Table on Washington When It Comes to Human Rights; TIME  June 17, 2021)


先日の米ロ首脳会談の後の記者会見は共同ではなく、それぞれが単独で行ったとのことだが、プーチン大統領は人権問題に関する記者の質問に対しては"whataboutism" (お前だって論法)を持ち出して応じたという。「それを言うならアメリカのあれやこれやはどうなんだ」と逆襲する戦法だ。プーチン大統領の発言は次のようだったらしい。

 *whataboutism : what+about+ (you)+ ism, "whataboutery"とも言う。

When asked about the political violence in his own country, Putin dismissed it as unremarkable. “What is happening in our country is also taking place in many other countries,” he said. “People … are killed in American cities every day. You can barely say a word there before you are shot in the face or in the back, regardless of who is nearby, children or other adults,” Putin said, according to the official Russian translation.



There’s actually a Latin term that students learn in their freshman logic courses for this brand of ad hominem attack: “tu quoque.” You also. It’s a sucker punch that has worked for teenagers and autocrats alike for millennia.

 *ad himinem: <ラテン語>理性より感情に訴えて、ad hominem attack:個人攻撃




There are binders and binders of such examples sprinkled through the State Department archives. Whataboutism became a shorthand for a needling distraction in the hallways of Foggy Bottom’s State Department headquarters ahead of any Soviet or Russian summit: anyone standing in for Moscow could just shoot across the table this efficient—and accurate—rejoinder: “But you lynch Negroes.”

