Jack's English Cafe


#10 「1日1語」<surreal>(シュール?)

Following the terror attacks that took place Sept. 11, 2001, people across the country began searching Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary for the same word. The word was not “rubble,” or “triage,” or even “terrorism,” but “surreal.”

(Why We Turn to the Word 'Surreal' Whenever Something Terrible Happens; TIME June 9, 2021)




Merriam-Webster’s definition for surreal is an adjective meaning “marked by the intense irrational reality of a dream,” or “unbelievable.”




In March 2020, when many cities were preparing for stay-at-home orders because of COVID-19, the fear and uncertainty of the moment surfaced in the dictionary’s top searches. People were looking up technical words, such as “pandemic,” “quarantine,” and “virus.” But they were also looking up philosophical ones: searches swelled for “apocalypse,” “Kafkaesque,” “martial law,” “calamity,” “pestilence,” “contagion,” “well-being,” “hysteria,” “hoarding,” “self-isolation,” “vulnerable,” “unprecedented,” “triage,” “essential,” or “poignant.” And of course: “surreal.”




“People were turning to the dictionary not for facts but for what I would call philosophy,” Peter Sokolowski, editor-at-large at Merriam-Webster, said of these moments of crisis. “You’re trying to wrap your head around an idea or phenomenon, and you go to the dictionary to go back to basics.”



  *wrap one's head around:理解する



“apocalypse,” (終末)“Kafkaesque,” ([不条理をテーマにした]カフカの)“martial law,”(戒厳令) “calamity,”(災難) “pestilence,”(疫病) “contagion,” (伝染)“well-being,” (安寧)“hysteria,” (ヒステリー)hoarding,” (買いだめ)“self-isolation,”(自己隔離)“vulnerable,”(脆弱な) “unprecedented,” (前例のない)“triage,”(トリアージ) “essential,” (不可欠な)or “poignant.”(痛恨の)

